Thursday, October 09, 2008

I've been real busy lately.

It's midterm week. Already! I'm not sure how that happened. So for the past month I've been working on various art projects, going to class/work, went to the Carnegie Art Museum in Pittsburgh, got my annual fall cold, burned through a small forest worth of tissues, had a birthday, ate cake every day for breakfast for a week, rejoiced in all things autumn, voted, and watched the 6 hour BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. Updating my blog not included. So partially out of guilt but mostly in an effort to avoid my watercolor homework tonight, here's a new post accompanied by a photo summation of the aforementioned events.

My parents sent me an orchid for my birthday which I'm attempting to keep alive.

My neighbor Meaghan made me the cutest cake. She's such a sweetheart!

Cake #2 was for the birthday party with my Grandma and Uncle. All three combined ages = 140 years. Twenty of which I contributed.

Here's an awkward photo of me and my sister that my mom took. I might be the least photogenic person ever.

Either Ella or Gina, not sure which. Both are darn cute. Whenever I can't figure out which twin is which, I just call them both 'girlie'.

Rivane Neuenschwander - I Wish Your Wish, 2003
"The wishes of various people are printed on textile ribbons, which...are worn around the wrist where they are tied with three knots. A wish is made as each knot is tied. According to the tradition, the wishes come true when the ribbons tear apart and fall off the wrist. Visitors are welcome to take a ribbon and leave a wish behind. Wishes are collected and used to print new ribbons for the wall."

The wish that I chose said "I wish that I was able to go back in time." Check out more of the art from the Carnegie International exhibition here:

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