Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Hallie Weekend.

Hallie came to visit me for the weekend. Nothing could have made me happier than spending a day in my pajamas watching movies with one of my best friends ever. We've known each other for ten years now. Ten years! Since we're both book junkies we spent hours at The Book Loft in German Village picking up books, putting one back, changing our minds, and sitting on the floor reading. It hit me how ingrained the smell of paper is in my memory; the bookstore smell is so specific in a wholesomely dusty atmospheric sort of way, wrapping around you to announce that you're in a comforting place. Hallie bought some classics, I got Jack Kerouac's literary sketches and a little copy of Pride & Prejudice that I couldn't pass up (because of the pink end paper!).

I think everyone's idea of heaven is probably very different, but mine looks alot like the Book Loft's poetry section. We finished up our book readin' friendship bracelet makin' blueberry pancake eatin' weekend with cream puffs at Schmidt's.

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